A carpenter relies on several quality tools such as a hammer and a saw to ensure they can do their job. Likewise, a painter needs good brushes and quality paint to accomplish their job. No matter what profession you look at, you will usually find that specific tools are needed to complete a task. Similarly, your HVAC system relies on several tools to ensure your home is comfortable. The system relies on several components to get the job done, from the compressor and blower to the ductwork. One important aspect is your thermostat. Your home’s thermostat is responsible for controlling your HVAC system and directing cooling and heating operations. If you don’t have a quality thermostat, your HVAC system could lack an important tool to keep your home comfortable.
As with most things, age can have an impact on your thermostat. On average, your HVAC system should last around 20 years. However, your thermostat life span is only about 10 years. The settings, controls, and sensors can wear out as your thermostat ages. Even if your thermostat is continuing to work, your older model device could be affecting the performance of your HVAC equipment. Investing in a new Trane WiFi thermostat could help improve the efficiency and performance of your system.
There are numerous benefits of installing Trane WiFi thermostats. Let’s examine some of the perks that can come with getting a new Trane smart thermostat.
Trane thermostats can improve your energy bills.

Perhaps the biggest reason homeowners consider upgrading to a new Trane thermostat is that they have integrated technology and innovation to ensure system efficiency and reduce energy costs. The average energy bill in the United States is around $115 per month, and your HVAC system can account for half of that during prime use throughout the year. Like the ones offered by Trane, smart thermostats could save you as much as 20 percent of your energy costs.
Smart thermostats are programmable and allow you to adjust indoor temperatures based on schedules and the time of day. While most traditional thermostat models are either off or on, smart thermostats from Trane can adjust indoor temperatures and the need for heating or cooling based on the home’s needs. This ensures that your system isn’t running when you don’t need it. Using a Trane thermostat is a smarter, more efficient way to control your home’s HVAC and temperature settings.
Thermostats from Trane allow for remote access.
A Trane WiFi thermostat incorporates technology to allow access and setting controls from a mobile application. With a smartphone or other mobile device, indoor temperatures and HVAC settings can be adjusted anywhere. Remote access allows homeowners to check on their home’s temperature and HVAC usage statistics anytime. When enabled, a Trane thermostat can also send alerts and warnings to schedule maintenance or address potential issues. With a Trane thermostat, you have the power of HVAC control at your fingertips at all times.
Trane thermostats allow for device integration.
The age of innovation has created smart solutions for many aspects of our daily lives. Smart devices and technology have brought about a revolutionary control over everything from household systems and appliances to lights. A Trane WiFi thermostat can connect to other devices and serve as a smart hub to connect to other devices and control lights, doors, water sensors, and more. You can also link your device with a smart air purifier. The thermostat will activate the purifier when it detects increased pollutants or allergens.
Trane WiFi home thermostats are an innovative solution for controlling your HVAC system. A new Trane thermostat can help lower your energy bills and make your home efficient with reliability and accountability.